Privacy policy

Effective: July 25, 2024

1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy describes how TechWings sp. z o.o. ("we," "our," or "us"), NIP: 6762600813, REGON: 389547866, based in 31-036, Poland, Kraków, Halicka 9, e-mail:, as the Administrator of Personal Data, collects and uses information about you. It also explains how you can access, update, delete, or export such information and outlines the rules for processing and protecting personal data when using ClarityDocs. We are committed to respecting data privacy and personal data protection.

2. Information we collect

We collect personal information including user content such as information included in input, file uploads, and feedback. We also collect account information like name, contact details, account credentials, payment information, and transaction history. Communication information, which includes the contents of your messages when you communicate with us, and technical information like log data, usage data, and device information, are also collected.

3. How we use this information

We use personal information to provide, administer, and improve our services. We communicate with you about our services and events, prevent fraud, and ensure the security of our IT systems. We also use personal information to comply with legal obligations.

4. Disclosure of information

We may share personal information with vendors and service providers for business operations and service functions. We also share personal information to comply with legal requirements or law enforcement requests, or to protect rights and safety. Affiliates, which are entities controlled by or under common control with TechWings, may also receive personal information.

5. Your rights

Depending on your location, you may have rights to access, correct, or delete your personal information. You may also restrict or object to our processing of your personal information, lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority in case of a violation, or withdraw consent for data processing.

6. Security and retention

We implement measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Personal information is retained only as long as necessary to provide our services or for legitimate business purposes.

7. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Each time the policy is updated, the "Updated" date will be revised to reflect the most recent changes. The "Effective" date indicates when the current version of the policy came into effect. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy each time you visit our website or otherwise interact with us to stay informed about any revisions.

8. Contact information

For any questions or concerns please contact us at